How to Live a Cottagecore Life in The City

Living in the city may sound like exactly the opposite of the cottagecore lifestyle and, at first glance, it is.

The cottagecore lifestyle is whimsical and free-spirited, influenced by nature and focused on connecting with the natural world around you.

Of course, a city is the last place you’d expect to live like this.

However, many of us seek the adventure of a city whilst still embracing cottagecore, and others live in the city for work.

Whatever the reason, living in a city doesn’t have to end your hopes and dreams of living out a nostalgic lifestyle like you would in the countryside. 

So, if you’re stuck for ideas, here’s how to live cottagecore in the city. 

What It Means to Live Cottagecore

When it comes to living cottagecore, the feeling and lifestyle are different for everyone, as the aesthetic itself has a personal meaning for every person who follows it. 

While, of course, there are common themes and visuals involved in the style, it’s important to remember that the most important part of the aesthetic is to create a feeling. 

In cottagecore, this is centered around nature, care for the planet, gratitude, nostalgia, and more. 

The cottagecore lifestyle itself is inspired by a romanticized idea of living in rural Europe, such as on a farm, and essentially takes the ideal aspects of this lifestyle. 

Cottagecore inspired apartment

For example, many people spend lots of time outside, but not doing laborious work (such as farming), like a true rural villager most likely would.

Instead, it’s a fusion of modern and rural life and savors the best of both worlds. 

When living cottagecore, there are lots of ways this can be expressed, such as through fashion, interior design, hobbies and more, and once again these all tie back to the central feeling and atmosphere of the aesthetic. 

Essentially, living cottagecore is centering your life around the aesthetic in any way that suits you, and creating the environment all throughout your daily life. 

10 Ways to Live Cottagecore In the City

We’ve mentioned that, despite the fact that living in the city can have its limits when it comes to nature, that doesn’t mean you can’t live your cottagecore lifestyle.

In fact, there are plenty of ways you can continue to express the aesthetic throughout your life, even when surrounded by the rush of modern society.

1. Reconnect with Nature

Firstly, this wouldn’t be a true cottagecore-inspired list if it didn’t contain at least something to do with spending time in nature. 

While you may be in the city, this doesn’t mean you can’t immerse yourself in the great outdoors – there are still plenty of ways to do this. 

Perhaps you could take a stroll through your local park or green area and spend some time pondering the week or walking your pet, or even taking a trip outside of your city and into the countryside. 

2. Try Your Hand at Jam-Making 

Jam-making is a tricky skill at first, and it’s something that comes with practice over time. 

However, nothing shouts cottagecore, nature-inspired lifestyle like making your own foods from scratch, and nothing beats homemade jam.

One of the great things about making jam is that you can make it in large batches, as long as you’ve got enough fruit, and even gift it to family and friends for birthdays and other celebrations or holidays. 

For bonus points, pick the fruit yourself for an even tastier experience. 

3. Cook and Bake 

Cooking and baking are two skills that are essential if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, and they’re the perfect ways to incorporate cottagecore into your city life. 

Of course, baking comes with its own, unique scent of freshly baked cookies and goodness, but cooking is handy, too. 

There’s a difference between cooking a meal from scratch and using pre-prepared ingredients, so try to make your meal as fresh as possible. 

Cooking from scratch also tends to be healthier as it doesn’t contain the nasties you’ll find in pre-packaged foods. 

4. Lose Yourself in a Movie or Book 

Books and movies are a chance for you to lose yourself in an alternate, perhaps ideal, world and reality, and they can even help you to explore or reflect on your own life.

You can’t go wrong with a good movie or book and, while a book will last longer than a movie, they’re equally relaxing, necessary pastimes. 

There are plenty of cottagecore books and movies out there, so feel free to explore.

I have a whole blog post about the 13 Best Cottagecore Books to Read in 2021.

5. Buy Locally Sourced Foods 

Locally sourced foods may not seem as easy to get a hold of in the city as they are in the countryside, but it’s not always as difficult as you may think. 

The true trick is to know where you can buy locally sourced groceries, and when this is available (for example, when markets are set up and open for vendors to sell their goods). 

Once you find a reliable source of groceries, such as fruit, vegetables, and even meat, you can live a more sustainable, environmentally-friendly lifestyle whilst also getting the best taste and quality around.

Fruits and vegetables on picnic blanket

6. Transform Your Wardrobe 

The place you live shouldn’t have anything to do with what you wear, so what’s stopping you from dressing in cottagecore clothes? 

This is one of the most popular ways to express the cottagecore aesthetic, and it’s not as tricky as it may seem to create your dream wardrobe. 

There are plenty of guides online, and it’s worth visiting thrift stores to check for affordable vintage pieces. 

7. Practice Your Artistic Skills 

Art is a great stress-reliever as well as an ideal form of expression, and it allows you to create something beautiful using a variety of different techniques. 

Whether it’s embroidery, knitting, sculpting, painting, or drawing, there’s something for everyone, so get creative and produce some artwork. 

8. Bring the Garden Inside 

Plants don’t just live outdoors, and there are plenty of different options when it comes to picking a houseplant to brighten up your space. 

Of course, there are your usual succulents and indoor potted plants, but that’s not all. 

You could start a mini vegetable area in your kitchen, and plant leftover seeds, or grow your own herbs so they’re fresh when you need them. 

9. Play Cottagecore Music 

Music is one of the fastest, easiest, and obviously, the cheapest way to get yourself into a vibe or mood, and cottagecore is completely achievable. 

On music platforms such as Spotify, you can find pre-created playlists of cottagecore music and soft music, and these tunes are perfect to stick on in the background whilst you work or do your chores for the day. 

10. Invest in Time to Yourself 

Self-care is important and it seems that, no matter how much it’s brought up, we never seem to take it quite seriously enough. 

If you want to remain happy, grounded, and relaxed, self-care will give you time away from the rushes and stresses of life, and it can also be an opportunity for self-improvement. 

No matter how you like to take care of yourself, consider cottagecore while you do it, and think about how you could incorporate nature into your routine, too.

How to Make Your Apartment Cottagecore 

In case you haven’t already thought of it, decorating your home is another fabulous way to spruce up your surroundings whilst also immersing yourself further into the cottagecore aesthetic. 

Creating a space where your surroundings match your style is important, and it can be calming, making your home somewhere comforting and soothing; a place you’re excited to get back to after a long day.

Take a look at “Cottagecore Kitchen: 10 Ways to Achieve the Cottage Style”  to get some ideas of what the style could look like.

While apartments alone don’t exactly match the vibes of an old-fashioned cottage in the middle of the woods, they can be transformed, and it’s amazing how your interior can completely change the ambiance of your space. 

The first, and arguably the most important, addition to your apartment is plants, just like we spoke about earlier. 

Although you may not actually be in the countryside, you can still fill your area with houseplants, from small succulents to potted cheese plants and even herbs in your kitchen. 

Another way to decorate your space is by finding trinkets, ornaments, and other pieces of décor that suit the cottagecore theme. 

Think doily tablecloths, decorative figurines, and intricate vases to name a few. 

You could also find vintage furniture in the likes of thrift stores and other pre-loved furniture stores, or even create the worn-in look yourself. 

Carrying earth tones as well as light, breezy pastels is the color palette you want to create, and try to do this whilst also making the space cozy and homey at the same time. 

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